Friday, May 23, 2014

This is the go make me something using an airplane. I decided to make the plane crashing into the beautiful Jamaican ocean. It was VERY VERY tedious to make the selections around the cords of the parachute. That took me two periods. Also I infused the parachute onto the ejected guy. I know its bad when your plane is crashing but I love Navy which is what lead to the me picking that parachute design. I used the tablet to hand draw the fire in photo shop.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This project was called Giant Ego. It was a rather complex project that dealed with a lot of uncharted waters for me. I don't think I have ever used curves before this project, we worked on fringing, drilling the accuracy of our pen tool, and something I have not really utilized before this project the clipping masks. I found it hard to follow along with the video but I managed to conjure up a rather descent out come to me. I made it a little darker than recommended because it is a poorly lit room and should not be bright. I worked a lot with levels and saturations which was kind of difficult to get it to a number that seemed fitting without distorting the color to much.  I also had to use the healing tool and the clone stamp tool to up her skin and the lighting fixtures. Over all it was a long week of struggling.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hello Bloggers, I have been working on a recent project 
called stone portrait. We took a combination of  igneous,metamorphic, and sedimentary rock to create a intricate stone design and texture. To make such a nice portrait you have to have the end goal in mind. I  new what I wanted it to look like before I even started. I named this bust Hue because thats all he consists of. If you can believe it i actually learned a new tool today, the lighting effect filter. 

D. J. F. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

This is my 30 years of macintosh updated project. I created chair, bag of chips, table, and a soda. i also used the live paint tool to bring the the graphics to life

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My project for visual design 2 was to retouch my class seating chart photo. I went ahead and used the spot healing tool to clean up blemishes. I then learned how to use smart objects and the high pass filter. I also learned that if you do a blank grey layer that you can mask with out covering over the actual face. I also burned my shirt and hair to make the focus more on my face. I also learned how to make eyes " better looking" through selective color and hue saturation adjustments
This is my El Guapo hot sauce label. I created this label in adobe photoshop but i did use illustrator to create the jalapeƱo. I also had used noise to created a more textured effect on the paper. Then i add reflection across the label using a mask to match the reflection on the jar. This project was hard to create a label because we had to create our own images instead of using them from the internet. which to me was like trying to hurdle the great wall of china… its impossible. So lacking artist ability this was the highest quality i could produce.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The top photo is the original template. I was challenged by Mr.C to make this because I said " even i could draw something that bad." I pen tooled the entire out side of the body and then free handed the rest of it using the line segment tool and add anchor point pen tool. I also used the live paint bucket and eye dropper tool to try to match the colors.i had trouble making the socks and the teeth,some anchor points would just not adjust the way i wanted them to.