Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My project completed on 11-13-13 is the magic lamp. In this project I worked with downloading new brush files. I used a hue saturation adjustment layer, I learned how to rotate the brush, gained experience using my table to create sparkles around the lamp. and I also learned how to create at an animation and save my file for web using a gif. I actually Did not have a whole lot of struggles with this project.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Our resent most project was invisible man. It was easy in some ways and hard in others. becoming more experienced with photo shop masking to blend objects has become a lot easier. which is what this project consisted of. I learned to take more object than what I need. I had to recreate the pants sleeve cuffs and collar of tee shirt. The collar was definitely the hardest part. Things I learned were the patch to which is how I removed the head. I also learned you can use the eraser hold shift and click straight across and it will make you a perfectly straight line.

Friday, October 18, 2013

In visual design 2 class this week we learn photo retouching so we could have a new skill and of course a good looking picture to on to our seating chart. I learned how to use the high pass filter, 50% gray layers to make corrections that can also go back and be changed. We also learned smart objects and selective color. I learned how make my eyes " better looking" with quick mask mode.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The book I choose to do was Jack Reacher by Lee Childs. It is a great entertainment and has a lot of mystery. This is my dvd cover if the book was turned into a movie. I used actions and the template to get the lay out I was going for. I Thought it was pretty cool the way it all comes together in the end. Doing the text was challenging I couldn't figure out the nexius font program. But over all I Accomplished this product.

Friday, September 27, 2013

My project involved Edgar Allen Poes short story the raven. I created a scene as the cover for a cd. I used many complicated tools that really proved to be obstacles I could not over come. The vanishing point tool and text were my biggest issues. Over all it was a challenging project .

Thursday, September 12, 2013

This project was hard toward the end. doing the henna was the most challenging part. If I had more time I would have made it better but this is my completed project.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

out of bounds

This is my out of bounds picture. I thought it was a pretty hard first assignment, considering it exited me out with out saving my work. But selecting the snow boarder went better than I was expecting. Thankfully I did finish today and was able to turn it in on time (which is hard to do).

This one was hard because I was dealing with low res picture quality. But I actually had to select a surfer from a different picture and put  him in this one. so that is not the original surfer catching that wave.